Tired of your job that's slowly sucking the life out of you? Here's your chance to escape!

Grab my Ultimate Ebook Bundle and Get Instant Access to 416 Ebooks that reveal the proven strategies you can use to Make Money online or offline even using no money of your own!

Here's your chance to escape the 9-to-5 and live the life you've been dreaming about!
I found some pictures of you at work

Tired of your job that's slowly sucking the life out of you? Here's your chance to escape!
If you're tired of working a job that's slowly sucking the life out of you, then, you need to know something ...
You can live a life of freedom--financial freedom and travel/location freedom. You can work from anywhere in the world.
Imagine waking up to this as your job ...

Imagine how nice it would feel, how freeing it would feel, to be able to work from wherever you want, in a beautiful location where your currency holds a lot more value!

With the proper tools (laptop, wi-fi connection), skills (knowledge of how to make money online), and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results), you can work from wherever you want!

Imagine living where you want and working from anywhere in the world ... the only thing you need is your laptop and a wi-fi connection.

Turn that imagination into a reality ... with the tools, skills, and systems that are revealed in my ...
Ultimate Ebook Bundle
20 Ebooks + 396 bonus Ebooks for the one time, low price of only $97 dollars!

What exactly do I get?
Get Instant Access to this Knowledge College ...
20 Ebooks, by me (Kris Kemp), a $957 dollar value
+ 396 Bonus Ebooks, a $5,365 dollar value
A total of 416 Ebooks, a $6,322 dollar value
for only ... $97 dollars
That's a 98% discount and a savings of $6,225 dollars!
A List of the Ebooks You'll Be Getting ...
20 Ebooks, a $957 dollar value

20 Ebooks ($957 dollar value) overview

1) 101 Profitable Headlines (to Build your Audience & Grow your Profits)
description: Discover 101 profitable headlines you can use to build your audience and grow your profits. Guaranteed to boost your open rates by 78%. Ideal for landing pages, squeeze pages, blog posts, social media advertising, email headers, and more!
pages: 68
sales price: $37
website: KrisKempCreative.com

2) 30 Days To SuperPowers
description: Get a flat stomach and look 15-to-20 years younger, in ten days or less, and cure over 76 diseases, including cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, and more, using these scientifically proven techniques.
pages: 416
sales price: $67
website: 30DaysToSuperPowers.com
etc: comes with links to 21 bonus ebooks

3) Comfort Magnets
description: Discover the real secret to manifesting whatever you want!
pages: 51
sales price: $37
website: ComfortMagnets.com

4) Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
description: Fix your life in 5 minutes or less - simple strategies, powerful results.
pages: 402
sales price: $37
website: KrisKemp.com

5) Hooked! How to Convert Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles of Attraction Marketing you can use in Life and Business for Success.
description: Discover the 7 principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life and business for success.
pages: 59
sales price: $37
website: KrisKempCreative.com

6) How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.
pages: 384
sales price: $67
website: HowToMakeMoneyWithFBA.com

7) How to Travel Europe Cheap
description: Travel Europe like we did, for $5 dollars a day or less.
pages: 409
sales price: $37
website: HowToTravelEuropeCheap.com

8) Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
description: Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties--houses, mobile homes, land--in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit. If a college dropout can do it, so can you.
pages: 146
sales price: $97
website: MakeBigProfitsFlippingFloridaLand.com / FlipFloridaLand.com

9) Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.
pages: 384
sales price: $67
website: MakeMoneyWithFBA.com

10) Mindset Diet Secrets
description: The secret to weight loss that no one told you about. The done-for-you diet strategy that will get you guaranteed results, effortlessly.
pages: 24
sales price: $37
website: MindsetDietSecrets.com
etc: comes with 14 bonus ebooks

11) Sleep Without Waking Up To Pee
description: Revealed: 15 effective remedies that will enable you to sleep without waking up to pee. Finally, get the full night's sleep your body needs.
pages: 74
sales price: $37
website: SleepWithoutWakingUpToPee.com

12) The 3 Secrets of Happiness
description: Uncover the simple formula to finding happiness that lasts.
pages: 64
sales price: $37
website: The3SecretsofHappiness.com

13) The One Thing (You Can Do To Change your Life)
description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.
pages: 30
sales price: $37
website: KrisKemp.com

14) The Power of Financing
description: Discover the wealth generator most people don't know about.
pages: 46
sales price: $37
website: TheLandDepot.net

15) The Powerful Technique (You Can Use to Change your Life)
description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.
pages: 19
sales price: $37
website: KrisKemp.com

16) The Shift Diet
description: Uncover the simple strategies to natural weight loss in 30 days.
pages: 60
sales price: $37
website: TheShiftDiet.com
etc: Includes 14 bonus ebooks

17) The Ultimate AutoResponder's Comparison Guide
description: The ultimate autoresponder's comparison guide to build your audience and grow your profits. Determine the best autoresponder for your needs that you can use to generate leads for your business, product, or service, and grow your profits, using this handy guide.
pages: 71
sales price: $37
website: KrisKempCreative.com

18) The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate email sequence template blueprint you can use to build rapport and grow profits. Includes fill-in-the-blank email sequence templates you can use to build loyalty and grow profits. This value-packed ebook offers effective solutions for all your email marketing needs.
pages: 155
sales price: $67
website: KrisKempCreative.com

19) The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate landing page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes landing page templates and landing page analysis and breakdown.
pages: 106
sales price: $37
website: KrisKempCreative.com

20) The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate squeeze page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes squeeze page templates, breakdown analysis, links to helpful articles.
pages: 105
sales price: $37
website: KrisKempCreative.com
+ 396 Bonus Ebooks, a $5,365 dollar value
Marketing / Lead Generation / Make Money Online / Financial Freedom / Dropshipping
Hooked! How to Turn Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers Who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles you can use in Life & Business for Success!
101 Profitable Headlines (you can use to boost your open rates by 78%)
The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate Landing Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate AutoResponder's Comparison Guide
The Ultimate Email Sequence Template BluePrint
How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
Think Like A Customer - A Winning Strategy to Maximize Sales
The Intelligent Negotiator
Raving Fans
Questions That Sell
The Ultimate Sales Letter
How to Get What you Want without Having to Ask
How to Persuade People who don't Want to be Persuaded
How to Use Power Phrases to Say What you Mean, Mean what you say, get what you want
Headline Cheat Sheet
Boost your Sales and Attract New Customers
Advertising Headlines that Make you Rich Create Winning Ads, Web Pages, Sales Letters, and more
Advanced Hypnotic Writing
Wholesale Ebook
Building Powerful Product Pages
Starting your first Ecommerce Business
Sales Funnel Final
Monetize your Dropshipping Business
Marketing Channels
Make Money from Home
How to Become an Entrepreneur
Ecommerce Mindset
Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs
50 Ways to get Sales with Dropshipping
How to Become a Digital Nomad
Free Traffic
FB Advertising
Facebook CheatSheet
Email Marketing
Dropshipping Masters Tactics
Affiliate Marketing
100 Best Products to Sell for your Dropshipping Store
100 Ecommerce Experts Share their Secrets
21 Dropshipping Calendar
10 Online Store to Use as Inspiration
How to Write the Perfect Blog Post
Headline Cheat Sheet
Expert Secrets - The Underground Playbook for Finding your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World
DotComSecrets - the Underground Playbook for Growing your Company Online
Boost your Sales and Attract New Customers
108 Proven Split Test Winners
The $1000 Startup
The 80/20 Principle
The 33 Strategies of War
The Science of Getting Rich
The Richest Man in Babylon
The Lost 7 Secrets of Success
The Laws of Human Nature
The Greatest Money Making Secret
The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth
The 5 Pillars of Biblical Success
Success Secrets of The Bible
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Show Your Work!
Secrets of The Rich
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
The Richest Man in Babylon
Public Domain Profit
How to Turn your Ability into Cash
Grow Rich with Peace of Mind
An Audience of One
Achieve Anything in Just One Year
10 Key Financial Lessons - Richest Man in Babylon
7 Keys to Success
5 Rules for Wealth
Awesome Secret
When - The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Tribal Leadership
Things to Make
The Wealthy Barber
The Psychology of Selling
The Art of Money Getting
The 100 Best Business Books of all Time
The 1-Page Marketing Plan
Pushing to the Front
Plug Your Book
Money - Master the Game
Meaningful - The Story of Ideas that Fly
Mastery of Self for Wealth, Power, Success
How to Succeed
Raving Fans!
How to Build a Billion Dollar App
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got
Blog Sales Product Funnel Planner
Millionaire Mindset Declarations
Self-Development / Self-Improvement / MindPower
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
Comfort Magnets
The One Thing (you can do to change your life)
The Powerful Technique
Fix your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Thought Vibration
Unlimited Power
The Way of the Seal
The Upside of your Dark Side
The Power of your Subconscious Mind
The Power of Eye Contact
The Monk who sold his Ferrari
The Leader who had no Title
The Laws of Human Nature
The Affluent Artist
The 5am Club
The Law of Attraction - Plain and Simple
Success Secrets of The Bible
Show your Work!
The Path to Prosperity
Open your Mind to Receive
No More Mr. Nice Guy
The 5-Second Rule: Transform Your Life
Life's Golden Ticket
Law of Attraction - Let Your Thoughts Determine Your Destiny
How to Manifest your Desires
Grow Rich with Peace of Mind
Go Suck a Lemon
Getting to "I Do"
Feeling Good
Exactly Where to Start
Emotional Intelligence
Embrace your Greatness
Creative Mind and Success
As A Man Thinketh
Advanced Affirmation - Law of Attraction
Achieve Anything in Just One Year
A Course in Mastering Alchemy
A Critical Examination of the Law of Attraction
10-Minute Mindfulness
Awesome Secret
Your Erroneous Zones
The Worry-Free Mind
The Sovereign Individual
The Shaggy Man of Oz
The Selfish Gene
The Power of Concentration
The Orange Code
The Heart of Marketing
The Freedom of Life
The Eight Pillars of Prosperity
The Decision Book
The Chaos Cure
The Book of Mistake
The Art of the Start
The Art of Public Speaking
Super Genes
Storytelling with Data
Self-Mastery through Conscious
Self -Development and the way to Power
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Raving Fans! One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men
Notes from a Friend
No More Mr. Nice Guy
Money - Master the Game
Mind Hacking
Mastery of Self for Wealth, Power, Success
Make Your Bed
Little Wars
Law of Attraction
Infinite Vision
How to Use your Mind
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
How to Succeed
Raving Fans!
How to Fight
How to Change your Mind
How to Be Yourself
Honor your Anger
Hearts of Three
Habit Stacking
Go Suck a Lemon
Flatland - Illustrated Version
Feeling Good
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
Exactly Where to Start
Everybody Always
Emotional Intelligence
Embrace your Greatness
Disrupt You!
Declutter your Mind
Change your Thoughts, Change your Life
Braving the Wilderness
As A Man Thinketh
10,000 Dreams Interpreted
Ten-Minute Mindfulness & Keys to Personal Change
Manifest your Dreams
Brain 101 - How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and Profit
Natural Health and Wellness / Natural Cures
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
The Shift Diet
Mindset Diet Secrets
30 Days to SuperPowers
Sleep Without Waking Up to Pee
None of these Diseases
New Truth to The Fountain of Youth
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
Unlimited Memory
The Healer Within
The Gene Keys
Ginseng and other Medicinal Plants
Food Remedies
Feeling Good
Fasting - Atomic Power with God
Psychology / MindPower / NLP
Dark Psychology 101
The Upside of your Darkside
NLP - How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You
NLP - How to Hypnotize Your Lover
NLP, Persuasion, and More
NLP - Forbidden Patterns (including October Man sequence)
Forbidden Patterns - Dark NLP
NLP - Eye Contact
Four New Hypnotic Language Patterns
Creating Irresistible Influence with NLP
The Structure of Unconscious Excuses
Go Meta to Change your Personal History
NLP - Crash Course in NLP
NLP - Using your Brain for a Change
NLP - The Structure of Magic
NLP - The Secret to Creating Chemistry
NLP Workbook
NLP - Basic Arousal
NLP - Amazing New Mindpower Secret
NLP - 6-Step Reframing
Accelerating NLP using Meta States
Brain 101 - How to Play the Brain Game for Fun and Profit
Real Estate Investing / Make Money Flipping Real Estate
Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
The Power of Financing
Find Florida Land - Action Plan
Rogue Real Estate Investor Collection
The Real Book of Real Estate
Rental Application
Real Estate Investing - Strategy for Rehabs
Real Estate Investing - Find Cash Buyers and Motivated Sellers
Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Rewind
Real Estate - Learn to Succeed the First Time
Real Estate Agent Business Plan
Profit by Investing in Real Estate Tax Leins
Millionaire Real Estate Investor
Make Money Flipping Houses While on Vacation
Investing in Real Estate
Insider Secrets to Financing your Real Estate Investments
How to Flip Houses with Little or No Money Down
How to Buy a Rental Property
How to Become a Millionaire
How to Be a Real Estate Investor
How to Invest in Real Estate with No Money Down
How to Buy and Sell Real Estate for Financial Freedom
Flip - How to Find, Fix, and Sell Houses for Profit
Financing Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor
7 Years, 7 Figure Wealth
3 Way to Flip Houses with No Money Down
That's a total of 416 Ebooks, a $6,322-dollar value, for the one time low price of $97 dollars ...
That's a 98% discount! You save $6,225 dollars!
And I've thrown in about a hundred-or-so bonus ebooks, in addition to this amazing bundle!

Here's your chance to escape the 9-to-5 and live the life you've been dreaming about!

Grab my Ultimate Ebook Bundle and Get Instant Access to 416 Ebooks that reveal the proven strategies you can use to Make Money online or offline even using no money of your own!

Yes! I want The Ultimate Ebook Bundle!
Yes! I want to grab this amazing offer!
Yes! I want the proven strategies that will show me how to make money online or offline!
Click the "Check out with PayPal" button below for Instant Access to this The Ultimate Ebook Bundle ...

Order with Confidence
This is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified™ and SendOwl™ payment fulfillment service

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
The Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, also known as Your Own Private ATM, comes with a 30-Day, Money Back Guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with "The Ultimate Ebooks Bundle", send me a message (bicycledays@yahoo.com) and ask for a refund. You will get your money back, no questions asked. This is a zero-risk purchase. You have nothing to lose, except for the ability to discover shortcuts, and powerful strategies, that you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more! This ebook is the underground playbook that millionaire entrepreneurs don't want you to know about. Order with confidence.
What happens next?
After you click the "Buy Now with PayPal" button, you will be asked for your PayPal account or credit card to complete the purchase. This is a safe, secure transaction and your credit card information will not be stored.
What do I get?
You get immediate delivery of the the Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, the 20 ebooks (a value of $957 dollars) written by Kris Kemp, plus the 396 bonus ebooks (a value of $5,365 dollars). The total value of this 416 Ebooks Bundle is $6,322 dollars. The actual value of this ebooks are worth 10x that amount, as they reveal the powerful strategies you you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more!
Get money making strategies that work!
These ebooks reveal the "done-for-you" strategies that millionaire entrepreneurs don't want you to know about. Explode your profits this Ebooks Bundle that one millionaire entrepreneur is calling "your own private ATM". Order with confidence.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can contact us at: bicycledays@yahoo.com to request a refund.
How do I contact you?
email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
text/call: 347-557-5487

The Ultimate Ebooks Collection reveals the strategies, tools, and systems that you can use to live the Laptop Lifestyle you've always dreamed about ...

This Ebook Bundle Collection reveals the done-for-you strategies you can use to make money, online and offline, in any economy, and from anywhere in the world!
If a college dropout (me) can do it, so can you!

The real secret is this: Making money online or offline does take work. But, anyone can do it.
With the proper tools (laptop, wi-fi connection), skills (knowledge of how to make money online), and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results) you can work from wherever you want.
Inside my Ebooks Collection, I share the skills and the recommended systems (most of which are free) that you can use to make money online or offline. You can use this Ebooks Collection to turn your phone into your Own Private ATM, one that cranks out cash directly into your bank account 24-7, every time you make a sale!
These are the done-for-you strategies you can use to build profits fast!

Discover How to Make Money Online and Work from Anywhere! If a college dropout (me) can do it, so can you! Over the last decade, I've written 20 ebooks. Inside my ebooks, I share the exact strategies that I use to make money online and offline. And, for the first time ever, I'm offering these ebooks to you for the low price of $97 dollars! Grab this Knowledge College and tap into the goldmine that is your birthright!

Wait a second! What's this all about? Who are you?

Hi! My name is Kris Kemp. I'm a writer, copywriter, ebook author, musician, photographer, digital marketer, and traveler.
I've written 20 ebooks that share the exact strategies I use to make money online or offline.
For the first time ever, I'm offering you access to all of my 20 ebooks, a value of $957 dollars, plus 396 bonus ebooks, a value of $5,365 dollars, for only $97 dollars!
With the Knowledge College found inside the Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, you'll turn your phone into your own Private ATM, dinging 24-7, as it cranks out cash and deposits it directly into your bank account ...

One more thing
Right now, you have a choice to make. You can keep doing what you're doing and keep getting what you're getting. Or, you can make a new choice and get a new result. Spending a measly $97 dollars to get an Ebooks Bundle Collection that could, quite literally, change your life, is a small investment to make in yourself. Inside this Ebooks Bundle Collection, you will discover the keys to unlock the life you've always been dreaming about--one with financial freedom that allows you to work when you want and where you want, even from anywhere in the world.

That $97 dollars will eventually disappear one way or another. Think about it. The financial freedom you've always dreamed about might just be one decision away.

Yes! I want The Ultimate Ebook Bundle!
Yes! I want to grab this amazing offer!
Yes! I want the proven strategies that will show me how to make money online or offline!
Click the "Check out with PayPal" button below for Instant Access to this The Ultimate Ebook Bundle ...

Order with Confidence
This is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified™ and SendOwl™ payment fulfillment service
Free Shipping: As this is a digital product, delivered via private website and PDF files, shipping is 100% free

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
The Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, also known as Your Own Private ATM, comes with a 30-Day, Money Back Guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with "The Ultimate Ebooks Bundle", send me a message (bicycledays@yahoo.com) and ask for a refund. You will get your money back, no questions asked. This is a zero-risk purchase. You have nothing to lose, except for the ability to discover shortcuts, and powerful strategies, that you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more! This ebook is the underground playbook that millionaire entrepreneurs don't want you to know about. Order with confidence.
What happens next?
After you click the "Buy Now with PayPal" button, you will be asked for your PayPal account or credit card to complete the purchase. This is a safe, secure transaction and your credit card information will not be stored.
What do I get?
You get immediate delivery of the the Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, the 20 ebooks (a value of $957 dollars) written by Kris Kemp, plus the 396 bonus ebooks (a value of $5,365 dollars). As this is a digital product, the ebooks are delivered via private website link, with each individual ebook link it's own website, as a PDF (Portable Document File). This is compatible for both Mac (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft) on all platforms--computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, smartphones. The total value of this 416 Ebooks Bundle is $6,322 dollars. The actual value of this ebooks are worth 10x that amount, as they reveal the powerful strategies you you can use to make money online or offline in a variety of categories--Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Consulting, Life Coaching, Natural Health Coaching, Budget Travel Consulting, Real Estate Investing, Making Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) and much, much more!
Is this Free Shipping?
The Ebook Bundle comes with Free Shipping. It is a digital product, delivered via website and PDF (Portable Document Files), compatible for both Mac (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft) and viewable on all platforms--computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, smart phones.
How is the Ebook Bundle delivered?
As this is a digital product, the ebooks are delivered via private website link, with each individual ebook link it's own website, as a PDF (Portable Document File). This is compatible for both Mac (Apple) and Windows (Microsoft) on all platforms--computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, smartphones. If you have any questions or concerns, email me: bicycledays@yahoo.com
Get money making strategies that work!
These ebooks reveal the "done-for-you" strategies that millionaire entrepreneurs don't want you to know about. Explode your profits this Ebooks Bundle that one millionaire entrepreneur is calling "your own private ATM". Order with confidence.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can contact us at: bicycledays@yahoo.com to request a refund.
How do I contact you?
email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
text/call: 347-557-5487

Grab my Ultimate Ebook Bundle and Get Instant Access to 416 Ebooks that reveal the proven strategies you can use to Make Money online or offline even using no money of your own!
Discover the Secrets

Get Ready: These ebooks reveals the secrets you can use to make money online or offline even using no money of your own!
Please Note: These ebooks are not for everyone, only for those who are eager to read them, follow the steps, take action, and be rewarded with a flood of clients, customers, and money as a result! Get ready to turn your smart phone and your laptop into your own private ATM, that dings 24-7 as you get sales and money into your account!
Financial Freedom is calling you ...

Make Money Online & Work from Anywhere

Join the hundreds of buyers who've taken action and seen results
Trusted by hundreds of buyers who've taken action and seen results! With 287+ 5-star reviews on TrustPilot™

Vlad Stevolk
app developer
This library of ebooks is vast and valuable To be honest, it's almost overwhelming. Am perusing the ones on digital marketing and taking lots of notes. I plan to use these strategies to secure funding for a startup I'm putting together.

George Parker
digital marketing
An investment that's already paying off as I'm learning new skills along with a systematic approach to put these skills to use in getting new clients and offering new services. So far, 3 new clients just from reading 4 of these ebooks.

Susan Dawson
Am using these techniques to grow my client list. This Ebook Bundle is a must-have for anyone who's in the business of sales, marketing, digital marketing, copywriting, or just wants more customers.

Allan Peters
I was skeptical but the 30-day guarantee sealed the deal for me. It's been 2 months and I'm glad I didn't return these ebooks. Am loving learning these strategies and especially enjoying The Email Blueprint ebook. I'll be using some of those templates for sure.

Sean Winfield
website developer
As a website developer who wants to niche down, I'm using this ebook collection to learn the copywriting strategies for landing pages and squeeze pages. This is going to be useful for clients who want these kinds of websites. I would recommend these ebooks for anyone who is going to read them, learn the techniques, and put them to use.

Gael Martin
content writer
A+++++. The only ebook collection you'll ever need. And the beauty of it is this: most of your competition will be left in the dust. Am reading through these ebooks, mainly the ones on NLP and psychology and copywriting and I'll be adding these skills to my services as a content writer in order to move into the sales copywriting space. Worth the price, but don't share this with the competition!

Erica Weber
Freelance writer
Even though I got these books to learn more about email marketing and learn more about landing pages, I'm knee deep in the mindpower / NLP category. This is fascinating. Is this legal? I'm already filling up a notebook with ideas to use for my broadcast emails.

Stefan Naber
SEO Specialist
As an SEO specialist, I'm using the ebooks in the digital marketing category to glean strategies for crafting content and keyword phrases that get attention and, more importantly, get viewers to click. Regarding the "make money online and work from anywhere" claim, I believe that this is possible, especially if you can combine categories within this ebook collection to create your own category. Dominating the field in my own specific niche that I created, I think that will give me the ability to charge more and get top-tier clients who are willing to pay more.

Elise Fuller
party planner
This ebook collection is massive. Am reading through the category on marketing and financial freedom and getting inspired with lots of ideas for my business. Learning this stuff is giving me a lot of confidence and I'm excited to see where it leads.

Tony Ferro
insurance sales
I heard about NLP and was curious to know more. All I can say is this: Wow! I'm reading and learning a lot and have been using the NLP to grow my client list and even get my current clients to upgrade their premiums. So far, have earned an additional $8,000 dollars from putting these strategies to use. It works.

Ben Corso
Every copywriter worth his salt needs to keep apprised of current strategies that bring results that are both measurable and specific, known as KPI's (Key Performance Indicators) in the biz. This ebook collection offers a veritable plethora of valuable strategies for copywriting for sales pages, sales funnels, landing pages, email marketing campaigns, and more. For anyone interested in building their email list, growing their customer list, and making more sales, this Ebook Bundle should be on the top of your list.

Trip Ferguson
blogger, camping enthusiast
I'm a blogger who blogs about camping. I decided to get buy this ebook bundle as it claimed to show me how to make money online. Am reading about ten ebooks at the same time in the Make Money Online category and am taking lots of notes and have made significant changes to my website and it's paying off. I'm getting contacted by sponsors and have gained 26 new followers in one week alone. Is it work? Yes. Does it work? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. Am excited about where this is going to take me!

Karen Conwell
realtor, blogger
I'm using the sales techniques that I'm learning to close more deals and also get new clients. I feel like I've discovered secrets that most people don't know about. Highly recommend for anyone wanting to make more sales and get more clients.

Eric Cruz
college student
Am devouring this content. Using it to start my own lead gen biz. Have already set up a second line and am already getting calls and the website isn't even finished it. Earned $200 last week with just an hours worth of work and it's not even work. It is Your Own Private ATM! It's working smarter not harder and once I scale this, I'll be earning $500 - $1,000 a week for about ten hours of work. I finally discovered something that works! Thank you!!!

Greg McAdams
consultant entrepreneur
This ebook bundle offers a variety of strategies, systems, tools, and shortcuts. It's next-level knowledge that far exceeds the low price. Am using it to "add to my toolbox" and offer up-sells and cross-sells for existing clients and new ones.

Sandy Rinker
Social Media Strategist
Am reading through the ebooks on digital marketing and copywriting and getting lots of ideas. Am using the headlines ebook to rewrite the headlines for current blog posts and share them at platforms like Medium and Tumblr with good success. Readership is growing and am getting new subscribers as a result.

Nancy Moss
author speaker
As a public speaker who travels regularly to speak at small business conferences, I'm well aware of the value of continuing education, in order to communicate clearly and effectively with a wide range of audience members. These ebooks have been helpful in that effort. I'm using the curiosity-inducing headlines (101 Profitable Headlines) and the email marketing strategies (The Ultimate Email Sequence Template BluePrint) to craft a new email campaign. Also, I'm using these same techniques within my speeches, with great results. Thank you!

Ken Beiman
branding specialist
I've heard about NLP and got the ebook bundle in order to find out more. The NLP ebooks are incredibly interesting to me. The power of words. The chapter about embedded commands had me reading 'til 2am. This is seriously some ninja advanced level knowledge. I agree with you that this is not for everyone, but for me, this is just fascinating. Whatever you do, don't BUY THIS EBOOK BUNDLE. ; )

Missy Jones
blogger freelance writer
I'm a freelance writer who's built a following of a few thousand subscribers within my specific niche. I'm only a few books in, reading "The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template BluePrint" and this alone is worth the price. So much useful information!

Adam Malloy
Sales & Marketing
This is like having insider secrets that most people don't know about. As a freelance sales & marketing consultant, and as a copywriter specializing in lead generation, I am truly digging the content in "The Ultimate Email Marketing Sequence Template Blueprint" and "The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint". I took a peek at "Fix Your Life" and I see the chapters about NLP! Can't wait to put this altogether.

Clint Sprague
The most extensive collection of ebooks that explores copywriting techniques, landing page and squeeze page strategies, and even introduces elements of NLP and "persuasion engineering" into the picture. I feel like I'm learning more from reading these ebooks and taking notes and incorporating these techniques into my own copywriting than I ever learned from any writing courses in university. Anyone wanting to up expand and improve their copywriting and sales abilities needs to get this Ebook Bundle as it will give them an edge over their competition. If you want results-driven strategies that are effective, this Ebook Bundle is worth getting.

Ann Griggs
email marketer
I'm always looking for ways to get more opt-ins for my clients. The "Email Marketing Sequence Template BluePrint" and "Squeeze Page Template BluePrint" offer so much good content and strategies that I plan to use for my existing clients to build their customer lists. Reading the storytelling sequences in the email sequence ebooks had me on the edge of my seat. The emphasis on curiosity-driven stories with relatable characters is an irresistible magnet technique that I plan to use for my upcoming email campaigns. Thank you for offering so much value at such a reasonable price.

Karen Conwell
realtor, blogger
I'm using the sales techniques that I'm learning to close more deals and also get new clients. I feel like I've discovered secrets that most people don't know about. Highly recommend for anyone wanting to make more sales and get more clients.

Eric Cruz
college student
Am devouring this content. Using it to start my own lead gen biz. Have already set up a second line and am already getting calls and the website isn't even finished it. Earned $200 last week with just an hours worth of work and it's not even work. It is Your Own Private ATM! It's working smarter not harder and once I scale this, I'll be earning $500 - $1,000 a week for about ten hours of work. I finally discovered something that works! Thank you!!!

Devon Maury
Real estate sales & marketing
I'm discovering the keys to unlock the AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action) formula in order to build a bigger client list. The strategies in these ebooks work. Since getting this ebook bundle and going through some of the digital marketing ebooks and rewriting my headlines and even creating a new email campaign, I've increased my net profits by 23%. These strategies work!

Tim Winters
Lead Generation
A treasure chest of interesting and useful strategies. I'm using them to generate more leads for my own service and, also, more leads for my clients. These ebooks offer step-by-step methods that produce results. For anyone serious about lead generation, copywriting, or digital marketing, this ebook bundle is worth adding to your toolkit.

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Yes. There is a 30-day money back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can contact us at: bicycledays@yahoo.com to request a refund.
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email: bicycledays@yahoo.com
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My office. The lobby of the hotel. Good wi-fi. Great views. Life is good. If I can do this, so can you. If you have questions, feel free to email me anytime at: bicycledays@yahoo.com
Kris Kemp
writer, copywriter, ebook author, musician, photographer, traveler, creative entrepreneur

That $97 dollars will eventually disappear one way or another. Think about it. The financial freedom you've always dreamed about might just be one decision away.