Thank you for your purchase of The
Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle
285 Ebooks - a $6,285 dollar value!
20 Ebooks + 265 bonus Ebooks!
Click the titles below to Access the Ebooks
20 ebooks (by Kris Kemp) - a value of $957 dollars
An overview of the 20 ebooks by category
Digital Marketing Made Simple
Hooked! How to Turn Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers Who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles you can use in Life & Business for Success!
101 Profitable Headlines (you can use to boost your open rates by 78%)
The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate Landing Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate AutoResponder's Comparison Guide
The Ultimate Email Sequence Template BluePrint
Self-Development Made Simple
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
Comfort Magnets
The One Thing (you can do to change your life)
The Powerful Technique
Fix your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Natural Cures Made Simple
The Shift Diet
Mindset Diet Secrets
30 Days to SuperPowers
Sleep Without Waking Up to Pee
Laptop Lifestyle Made Simple
Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
The Power of Financing
Find Florida Land - Action Plan
Free RE Forms
How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
How to Travel Europe Cheap
the rails
Click the titles below to Access the Ebooks
20 ebooks (by Kris Kemp) - a value of $957 dollars
A detailed overview of the 20 ebooks

1) 101 Profitable Headlines (to Build your Audience & Grow your Profits)
description: Discover 101 profitable headlines you can use to build your audience and grow your profits. Guaranteed to boost your open rates by 78%. Ideal for landing pages, squeeze pages, blog posts, social media advertising, email headers, and more!
pages: 68
sales price: $37

2) 30 Days To SuperPowers
description: Get a flat stomach and look 15-to-20 years younger, in ten days or less, and cure over 76 diseases, including cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, and more, using these scientifically proven techniques.
pages: 416
sales price: $67
etc: comes with links to 21 bonus ebooks

3) Comfort Magnets
description: Discover the real secret to manifesting whatever you want!
pages: 51
sales price: $37

4) Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
description: Fix your life in 5 minutes or less - simple strategies, powerful results.
pages: 402
sales price: $37

5) Hooked! How to Convert Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles of Attraction Marketing you can use in Life and Business for Success.
description: Discover the 7 principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life and business for success.
pages: 59
sales price: $37

6) How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.
pages: 384
sales price: $67

7) How to Travel Europe Cheap
description: Travel Europe like we did, for $5 dollars a day or less.
pages: 409
sales price: $37

8) Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
description: Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties--houses, mobile homes, land--in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit. If a college dropout can do it, so can you.
pages: 146
sales price: $97
website: /

9) Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.
pages: 384
sales price: $67

10) Mindset Diet Secrets
description: The secret to weight loss that no one told you about. The done-for-you diet strategy that will get you guaranteed results, effortlessly.
pages: 24
sales price: $37
etc: comes with 14 bonus ebooks

11) Sleep Without Waking Up To Pee
description: Revealed: 15 effective remedies that will enable you to sleep without waking up to pee. Finally, get the full night's sleep your body needs.
pages: 74
sales price: $37

12) The 3 Secrets of Happiness
description: Uncover the simple formula to finding happiness that lasts.
pages: 64
sales price: $37

13) The One Thing (You Can Do To Change your Life)
description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.
pages: 30
sales price: $37

14) The Power of Financing
description: Discover the wealth generator most people don't know about.
pages: 46
sales price: $37

15) The Powerful Technique (You Can Use to Change your Life)
description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.
pages: 19
sales price: $37

16) The Shift Diet
description: Uncover the simple strategies to natural weight loss in 30 days.
pages: 60
sales price: $37
etc: Includes 14 bonus ebooks

17) The Ultimate AutoResponder's Comparison Guide
description: The ultimate autoresponder's comparison guide to build your audience and grow your profits. Determine the best autoresponder for your needs that you can use to generate leads for your business, product, or service, and grow your profits, using this handy guide.
pages: 71
sales price: $37

18) The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate email sequence template blueprint you can use to build rapport and grow profits. Includes fill-in-the-blank email sequence templates you can use to build loyalty and grow profits. This value-packed ebook offers effective solutions for all your email marketing needs.
pages: 155
sales price: $67

19) The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate landing page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes landing page templates and landing page analysis and breakdown.
pages: 106
sales price: $37

20) The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprint
description: The ultimate squeeze page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes squeeze page templates, breakdown analysis, links to helpful articles.
pages: 105
sales price: $37
+ Bonus Ebooks

21) Find Florida Land - Action Plan
description: Discover how to find bargain properties--land, houses, mobile homes anywhere in Florida using this step-by-step action plan.
pages: 20
sales price: $37
22) Free RE Forms
description: Save hundreds of dollars with these easy-to-use real estate forms.
pages: 19
sales price: $17
Click the titles below to Access the Bonus Ebooks
265 Ebooks - a value of $5,328 dollars
The Bonus Ebooks
Marketing / Lead Generation / Copywriting / Make Money Online / Financial Freedom / DropShipping
Hooked! How to Turn Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers Who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles you can use in Life & Business for Success!
101 Profitable Headlines (you can use to boost your open rates by 78%)
The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate Landing Page Template BluePrint
The Ultimate AutoResponder's Comparison Guide
The Ultimate Email Sequence Template BluePrint
How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
Web Copy that Sells
One Month to your Online Business
Article Cash
Adsense Secrets Unleashed, pt 1
Adsense Secrets Unleashed, pt 2
Adsense Secrets Unleashed, pt 3
72 Ways to Create Powerful Niches
Adsense Empire
50 Surefire Tactics
51 Joint Venture Marketing Tips
7 day Product Creation
Beyond the Road to Gold
Autopilot Fan Site Profits
The Essential Guide to Sales Funnels
Email Marketing Tips and Tricks
Email Marketing Mogul
Email Marketing Blueprint
Confident Prospecting
E-book Entrepreneur
Earn your First $100 Online
Boosting your Network Marketing Cashflow
Backlink Flood
Aweber Marketing Tips
Article Marketing Secret
Email Marketing Basics
Google Business Blueprint
How to Get Traffic from Pinterest
SEO for Blogs - The Ultimate Guide
How to Make Money Online
Ebay Zero to Hero
Get Paid to Build your List
Generating a Stream of Turbo Traffic
Freelance Mastery
Free Reports Exposed
Free and Low Cost Ways to Huge Web Traffic
Copywriting Basics
Copy the Super Affiliates
Content Flipping Profits
Content Curation
Confessions of a Niche Marketing Maniac
Confessions of a Follow-up Marketing Geek
Mailing List Paychecks
Clickbank Wealth Guide
Cashless Marketers Secrets
Giveaway Gold
Giveaway Secrets Exposed
Exploding your Sales
Explosive Article Tactics
Exploiting Clickbank for Fast Profits
Explode your Income with PLR Sites
Expired Domain Traffic
Email Writing Secrets
Email Marketing 101
Email Marketing Secrets
Email Marketing Dynamo
Profit Funnels
Ebook Marketing Exposed
Ebay Secrets
Ebay Cash System
Easy Quick Cash System
Easy PLR
Easy List Builders
First $100 Online
Make $100 in 24 hours with PLR
Ebook Reseller Riches
Ebook Profit Centers Revealed
Dropshipping Report
Don't Delay Sell More Online
DIY Secrets
Creating and Writing your Blog
Creating an Online Business 101
Cracking the Monetization Code
Create your own Ebook
Getting Started with CPA
CPA Profits
Local SEO
Copywriting for the Web Ebook
Copy your Way to Success
Buying Websites on Ebay
Business X-Factor
Building the Perfect Sales Funnel
Building Influence with Free Membership
Build your own Cash Pipeline
Build your Affiliate Army
Build Huge List
Build Ebay Affiliate Store in Less than 30 Minutes
Blogging Profit Formula
Blog-Flipping Secrets
Blogging Profits
Blogging for Maximum Profit
Blogging for Beginners
Blogging Crash Course
Blogging Cash Method
Blogging Basics for Beginners
Blogging 101
Bloggers Guide to Profits
Blog Setup Guide
Blog Flipping Secrets
Bigger Blogging Profits
Big Profits from Small-Priced Products
Autoblogging Profits
Article Marketing Secrets
Article Marketing
Article Marketing Course
Article Marketing 101
21 Income Streams
7 Easy Ways to Make Big Money while you Sleep
Website Flipping Tactics
10 Ways to Make $10,000 Dollars Online
List Exploding Squeeze Page Secret
$900 / Week Super Niche
299 Places to Advertise
Niche Money Machine
YouTube Money Machine
Niche FAQ
Sales Funnel
30 Maximum Conversion Rate Tips
Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Money-Making Niche Topics
Making Money with Autoresponders
Profit Funnels
Traffic Triggers
Traffic Magnets
100,000 and 200,000 Targeted Visitors in Under 60 Days
82 Techniques that will put more money in your pocket
Landing Page Success Guide
List-Building Squeeze Page Secrets
List-Building Strategies that Really Work
The Ultimate Sales Letter
Squeeze Page Profits
Travel Niche Profits
Make Money Online
The Mini Money Machine Maker
How to Make Serious Money Online
Budget Travel / Digital Nomad
The Guide to Moving Abroad
Budget Travel
101 Tips for Traveling on a Budget
How to Travel Europe Cheap
Self-Development / Self-Improvement / MindPower
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
Comfort Magnets
The One Thing (you can do to change your life)
The Powerful Technique
Fix your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Change your mind
Simplify and Destress
Habit Reconstruction Project
Immediate Gratification for Breaking Bad Habits
Change your life
Happiness Overflow
Emotional Intelligence
Abundance and the Art of Giving
The Abundance Magnet
Abundant Thinking
Success Secrets
Subconscious Millionaire Mind
About Dreams
Happy as you want to be
Choose to be Happy
Easy Steps to Self Transformation
Health and Wealth Magnetism
Action Driven Living
Taking Action
Simplify and Destress
Better Choices, Better Life
51 Ways to Create a Great Home Office
Confident Warrior
Mind Mastery Techniques
Unlock your Mind Power
Laptop Lifestyle Made Simple
Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
The Power of Financing
Find Florida Land - Action Plan
Free RE Forms
How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)
How to Travel Europe Cheap
the rails
Natural Health and Wellness / Natural Cures
The Shift Diet
Mindset Diet Secrets
30 Days to SuperPowers
Sleep Without Waking Up to Pee
Urine Therapy
Guide to Urine Therapy
The Water of Life - Treatise on Urine Therapy
Your Own Perfect Medicine
Unlimited Energy
Diet and Health
Miracle Mineral Solution
Hunza Health Secrets
None of these Diseases
New Truth to The Fountain of Youth
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
Unlimited Power
Unlimited Memory
The Healer Within
The Gene Keys
Ginseng and other Medicinal Plants
Food Remedies
Feeling Good
Fasting - Atomic Power with God
The 7-Week Slim Down
Amazing Weight Loss and Health Tips
Abs Training
Franklin Hall Fasting Paper
The Golden Fountain
Abundance - Health
Mind Health Secrets
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body
The Lean Mean Body Machine
Therapeutic Touch
The Proper Mindset for Health Fitness
The Sugar Solution
The A-Food, B-Food Lecture
Supplement Company Secrets
Tasty Fat-Loss and Muscle-Building Recipes
Super Joints
Top 10 Weight Loss Myths
Vegetarian Food and Cooking
Super Serenity Sleepers
Super Foods
Ten Steps to a Better Body
Regulated Eating Strategies
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with Herbs, Spices, Roots
This is my Life, my Diet, part 1
This is my Life, my Diet, part 2
Mind Health Secrets
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
Clean Eating
Coconut Oil - The Healthy Fat
Physical Wellness Secrets
Simple Weight Loss Recipes
The 7 Keys to Body Transformation
Fit for Life - Exercise Fitness
Fit for Life - Lifetime Fitness
Fat Burning
Fat Burning Foods
Detoxification and Weight Loss
Fast Fitness
How to Boost your Metabolism
Lose Ten Pounds Naturally
The Mediterranean Diet Meltdown
Natural Cures
Quick Weight Loss Action
Quit Snoring Now
Simple 6-Pack Abs
10 Simple Tips to Ease Joint Pain
Simple Weight Loss Recipes
The Six Principles to Six Pack Abs
Nutritious Appetite
Psychology of Weight Loss
Ten Most Powerful Health Foods
Berry Boosters
Beautiful Body Essential
Anti-Aging Made Easy
Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth
Abundance health
101 Headache Tips
A Guide to Healthy Living
Achieving your Weight Loss Goals
Army Fitness Manual
Beating Insomnia
Natural Cures for Insomnia
101 Tips to Lose Ten Pounds
100 Hair Growth Tips
101 Fitness Tips
100 Weight Loss Tips
30 Day Fat Loss Workout Guide
20 Secrets to Dieting Success
1001 Ways to Stay Young Naturally
10 Ways to Fight off Cancer
10 Most Powerful Health Foods
10-minute Workout
6-minute abs
3-minute arms
Get Rid of Warts, Moles
Panic Attacks
Dealing with Impotence Naturally
Dealing with Asthma Naturally
Dealing with Back Pain the Natural Way
Curing Premenstrual Tension Naturally
Curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Dealing with Stress Naturally
Dealing with Eczema the Natural Way
Dancing your Fats Away
Natural Cures for Depression
Natural Arthritis Pain Remedies
Natural Arthritis Relief
Natural Cures for Insomnia
51 Ways to Fight High Cholesterol
51 Ways to Treat Endometriosis
51 Calorie Burning Activities
36 Fat-Burning Foods
Radical Diet
Eat Right to Feel Great
Preventing Acne
Natural Herbal Cures
Success comes from the gut
Vegetarian Recipe Book
Vegetarian Food & Cooking
65 Amish Recipes
Delicious Sandwich Recipes
Italian Recipes
Pudding Recipes
Vegetable Dishes
Masterpiece Culinary Delights
Creative Culinary
Making Chocolate 101
300 Outstanding Dip Recipes
Frozen Dessert Recipes
Egg Recipes
Pizza Recipes
The Appetizer Collection
Smoothies for Athletes
Summer Party Cooking Recipes
Salad Recipes
Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes
Cheesecake Recipes
470 Crock Pot Recipes
Classic Dessert Collection
Chocolate Recipes for Chocolate Lovers
52 Sunday Dinners
Carolina Mountain Cooking with Pearlie
Heaven and Hell: A Thousand to One - A Thousand in Hell for every one saved
My Utmost for His Highest
Vision Board Tactics
Time Management Tactics
Time Management
Subconscious Millionaire Mind
The Golden Key of Success
The Richest Man
The Quiet Mind
The Art of Self-Confidence
The Art of Money-Getting
The Abundance Magnet
Happy as you Want to Be
Change your Mind
Unlock your Mind Power
The Fall of Western Man
Atlantis - The Antedeluvian World
Real Estate Investing / Make Money Flipping Real Estate
Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Land
The Power of Financing
Find Florida Land - Action Plan
Free RE Forms
Real Estate Investment Secrets
How to be a Real Estate Investor
Make Money Flipping Houses while on Vacation
Relationships / Dating
Happier Abroad
Guide to Russia
Dating and Relationships
Healthy Dating and Relationships
100 Dating Tips
Attraction Artist
Ultimate Guide to Successful Dating
Proven Dating
Personality Quadrants Dating Guide
Use The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle Get Unlimited Customers and Clients and to Make Money Online or Offline, from anywhere in the world!

These ebooks reveal the "done-for-you" strategies that millionaire entrepreneurs don't want you to know about. Explode your profits using this Ebooks Bundle that one millionaire entrepreneur is calling "your own private ATM".

This Ebook Bundle reveals the strategies, tools, and systems that you can use to live the Laptop Lifestyle you've always dreamed about ...

This Ebook Bundle Collection reveals the done-for-you strategies you can use to make money, online and offline, in any economy, and from anywhere in the world!
If a college dropout (me) can do it, so can you!
How to Make Money with this Ebook Bundle
Simply read or peruse the ebooks, take notes, learn the strategies, get the tools, and then develop these into a system that adds value to yourself and to others. Once you add value to a customer or client, you can charge them for it. You can also "lead with value" (Paul James) by offering your customer or client a "free trial" or "first lead for free" and then charge per lead once that client knows, likes, trusts you.
Once you put this all together into a well-oiled machine, you'll be able to demonstrate value in order to get paid. Also, you can develop these systems in order to get customers and clients for your own products or services and for those of your clients!

The real secret is this: Making money online or offline does take work. But, anyone can do it.
With the proper tools (laptop, wi-fi connection), skills (knowledge of how to make money online), and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results) you can work from wherever you want.
Inside my Ebooks Collection, I share the skills and the recommended systems (most of which are free) that you can use to make money online or offline. You can use this Ebooks Collection to turn your phone into your Own Private ATM, one that cranks out cash directly into your bank account 24-7, every time you make a sale!
These are the done-for-you strategies you can use to build profits fast!

Discover How to Make Money Online and Work from Anywhere!
If a college dropout (me) can do it, so can you! Inside my ebooks, I share the exact strategies that I use to make money online and offline. Read these ebooks! Follow the strategies. Start earning money!
Grab this Knowledge College and tap into the goldmine that is your birthright!

With the Knowledge College found inside the Ultimate Ebooks Bundle, you'll turn your phone into your own Private ATM, dinging 24-7, as it cranks out cash and deposits it directly into your bank account ...

One more thing
Right now, you have access to The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle, which offers you the skills (knowledge of how to make money online) and the systems (integrated processes that yield measurable and specific results) that you can use to start making money online or offline. Once you become an expert, or authority, in one or more of these specific niches, you can also start your own consulting services or digital marketing agency. How much money you want to make is up to you.
Inside this Ebook Bundle, you will discover the keys to unlock the life you've always been dreaming about--one with financial freedom that allows you to work when you want and where you want, even from anywhere in the world.
Think about it. You hold in your hands the keys to unlock the doors of possibility that lead to financial freedom and success in all areas of your life. Use this Knowledge College to find the financial freedom you've always been dreaming about. Learn the skills. Take action. Trust the process. You can do it! You can make money online or offline from anywhere in the world!

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. How can I make money with these ebooks?
Right now, you have access to The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle, which offers you the skills (knowledge of how to make money online) and the systems (integrated processes that yield measurable and specific results) that you can use to start making money online or offline. Once you become an expert, or authority, in one or more of these specific niches, you can make money online or offline by implementing (putting into action) that strategies in the ebooks.

Another way you can make money with these ebooks is by starting your own consulting services in which you show others how how to earn more money. At the top of this website, in the yellow highlighted content box, you'll see the main categories for the ebooks that I've written. Under the "Digital Marketing Made Simple" category, you'll discover the techniques and strategies that you can use to start your own digital marketing agency or become a freelance digital marketing consultant. In those ebooks, I explain sales pages, landing pages, squeeze pages, email marketing, headlines, and offer a comprehensive report on the best autoresponders for yourself or your clients.

Under the "Self-Development Made Simple" category, you'll discover "The 3 Secrets of Happiness" as well as simple strategies you can use to attract the life and love you deserve. Using this knowledge, you can start your own Life Coaching services. Under the "Natural Cures Made Simple" category, I cover natural cures that are simple, effective, and proven to bring the body and mind into optimal performance. Under the "Laptop Lifestyle Made Simple" category, I share the strategies that I've used to make money flipping Real Estate. Also, I share the strategies explored in how you can make money with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon).

In short, once you learn the skills and techniques within the ebooks, you can use that knowledge to start making money by offering your specialized knowledge in exchange for money (acting as a consultant or life coach), or by simply taking action with the knowledge, in that specific area, in order to make money online or offline. You can make as much money as you want with these ebooks. How much money you want to make is up to you.

2. What is the secret to making money online?
The real secret is this: Making money online or offline does take work. But, anyone can do it.
With the proper tools (laptop, smart phone, wi-fi connection), skills (knowledge of how to make money online), and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results), you can work from wherever you want.

Inside my Ebooks Collection, I share the skills (knowledge of how to make money online) and the recommended systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results) that you can use to make money online or offline.
You can use this Ebooks Collection to turn your phone into your Own Private ATM, one that cranks out cash directly into your bank account 24-7, every time you make a sale!
These are the done-for-you strategies you can use to build profits fast!

Inside this Ebooks Bundle Collection, you will discover the keys to unlock the life you've always been dreaming about--one with financial freedom that allows you to work when you want and where you want, even from anywhere in the world. Think about it. You hold in your hands the keys to unlock the doors of possibility that lead to financial freedom and success in all areas of your life. Use this Knowledge College to find the financial freedom you've always been dreaming about. Learn the skills. You can do it!
3. How do I contact you?
text: 347-557-5487

One more thing
Right now, you have access to The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle, which offers you the skills (knowledge of how to make money online) and the systems (integrated processes that yield measurable and specific results) that you can use to start making money online or offline. Once you become an expert, or authority, in one or more of these specific niches, you can also start your own consulting services or digital marketing agency. How much money you want to make is up to you.
Inside this Ebooks Bundle Collection, you will discover the keys to unlock the life you've always been dreaming about--one with financial freedom that allows you to work when you want and where you want, even from anywhere in the world.
Think about it.
You hold in your hands the keys to unlock the doors of possibility that lead to financial freedom and success in all areas of your life.
Use this Knowledge College to find the financial freedom you've always been dreaming about. Learn the skills. Take action. Trust the process.
You can do it!
Make your view beautiful

Beautiful view from the lobby of the hotel.
Make your view beautiful, too. Learn the skills, tools, and systems within The Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle to generate customers and clients for your own products and services and for those of your clients!
I look forward to hearing your success stories!
Kris Kemp
writer, copywriter, traveler, creative entrepreneur
digital marketing made simple
Thank you for your purchase of The
Digital Marketing Made Simple Ebook Bundle
285 Ebooks - a $6,285 dollar value!
20 Ebooks + 265 bonus Ebooks!
Click the titles above to Access The Ultimate Ebook Bundle