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Tired of working a job that’s slowly draining the life out of you?
I found this picture of you at work

There is a way out
If you’re tired of working a job that’s slowly sucking the life out of you, then, you need to know something …
You can live a life of freedom–financial freedom and travel/location freedom.
You can work from anywhere in the world.Imagine waking up to this as your job …

Imagine how nice it would feel, how freeing it would feel, to be able to work from wherever you want, in a beautiful location where your currency holds a lot more value!

With the proper tools (laptop, wi-fi connection) and skills (knowledge of how to make money online) and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results), you can work from wherever you want.

Imagine living where you want and working from anywhere in the world … the only thing you need is your laptop and a wi-fi connection.

Turn that imagination into a reality … with the tools, skills, and systems that are revealed in my free-to-join Affiliate Program, “Your Own Private ATM” …

You are about to discover the “done-of-you” strategies that you can use to make money online, even using no money of your own.
“Your Own Private ATM” reveals the strategies, the tools, and the systems that you can use to live the Laptop Lifestyle you’ve always dreamed about …
Discover the secrets to earning money online so you can work from anywhere!
Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits simply by leveraging tools, skills, and systems.
“If you want to get rich, work above the neck. Use your head to make money. People who work above the neck make 10x to 100x more money than people who work below the neck, with their body. Using your body to make money only creates wear and tear. Using your brain to make money builds knowledge and skills.”David K.millionaire RE investor, inventor
With the proper tools (sturdy laptop, a good wi-fi connection, an up-to-date smartphone), skills (specific knowledge of how to make money online), and systems (integrated process that yields specific and measurable results), you can work from anywhere you want.
And one of the benefits of working from anywhere you want is that you can work from a location where your currency holds greater value. Cha-ching. Cha-ching. Every time your smart phone buzzes, indicating a new sale, you’ve got money being deposited to your online bank.
Here’s your chance to escape the 9-to-5.
With the training inside “Your Own Private ATM”, you’ll discover how to make money online and work from anywhere.
(value stacking)
(future pacing)
This is the Online Money Making ToolBox that the “gurus” don’t want you to know about!
In fact, one of the biggest online moneymakers , whose name I will not mention, has threatened to sue me for releasing these tactics and techniques. My lawyer has already taken care of it. In short, if this clown (no offense to clowns) does attempt to sue me, he will lose hundreds-of-thousands. Honk! Honk! LOL!
Some millionaire moneymakers are calling me “crazy” for offering this free training …But, ever since I dropped out of college, I’ve been a bit of a renegade. I like to share knowledge as inexpensively as possible (covering my costs of course) so that everyone can have a chance, an opportunity, to change their life for the better. Along the way, people have helped me, so this is my way of giving back.And if I, a college dropout, can do this, so can you …
This is the Amazon FBA ToolBox that the “gurus” don’t want you to know about!
In fact, one of the biggest Amazon FBA training coaches , whose name I will not mention, has threatened to sue me for releasing these tactics and techniques. My lawyer has already taken care of it. In short, if this clown (no offense to clowns) does attempt to sue me, he will lose hundreds-of-thousands. Honk! Honk! LOL!
Most millionaire FBA’ers are calling me “crazy” for selling this course at such a low price …But, ever since I dropped out of college, I’ve been a bit of a renegade. I like to share knowledge as inexpensively as possible (covering my costs of course) so that everyone can have a chance, an opportunity, to change their life for the better. Along the way, people have helped me, so this is my way of giving back.And if I, a college dropout, can do this, so can you …
(picture of ebook collection – smaller – fast loading)
You’re about to discover the behind-the-scenes methods that ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA …
(picture of ebook)
“How to Make Money with FBA” reveals the behind-the-scenes methods that ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) …This ebook is value-packed with 384 pages!Discover the strategies, techniques, tactics, tools, and systems you can use to start and, more importantly, run a successful Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) business.
(picture of money)
Inside these ebooks, these are just a few of the things you’ll discover …
features, results, benefits
(picture of money, wealth, laptop lifestyle)
Explode your Profits – Work from Anywhere!Get the Action Plan you can use to make hundreds of dollars a day, working from anywhere in the world!
(laptop lifestyle pic)
With the Secrets Revealed inside “How to Make Money with FBA”, you are getting a total value of … $4,727 dollars!
(picture of ebook)
Get the Insider Strategies & Lists …
DropShipping Supplier ListsUntil now, these DropShipping supplier lists remained a closely guarded secret! Finally, I got my hands on these lists and I am sharing them with you! A value of $197 dollars!
Insider FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)You are getting exclusive, behind-the-scenes FAQ’s that are normally shared by Millionaire Amazon FBA’ers with their $100,000-dollar-a-year paying Membership Clients, their Inner Circle! A value of $1,750 dollars!Amazon CheatSheetThis has been called “the underground blueprint” for turning your Amazon FBA store into your own private ATM, cranking out cash 24-7! A value of $1,723 dollars!
Bonus EbooksAlso, with the purchase of this ebook, you get Bonus Ebooks, a value at $957 dollars!Total Value = $4,727 dollars
(value stacking)
(picture of money)
Special OfferI could sell this ebook for $997 or 2 “easy payments” of $498.50, and that would be fair. I could even sell this ebook for $497 or $297, and that price would be fair. I could even drastically reduce the price and sell it for $197 dollars and that would be an amazing deal.
But, I’m going to do something that will get me called “crazy” by my colleagues … something that will get me strange stares at the 7-Figure Affiliate Conferences … I might even get blacklisted for what I’m about to do …
I know what it’s like to struggle, and I know how nice it feels to have been helped by someone who was in a position to help me …. so, for a limited time, I’m offering this ebook for only …
$67 dollars
(picture of ebook)
(buy now buttons)
Order with ConfidenceThis is a safe, secure payment using PayPal verified™ and SendOwl™ payment fulfillment service
(countown timer)
(picture of – imagine if this was your office)
What happens next?After you click the “Buy Now with PayPal” button, you will be asked for your PayPal account or credit card to complete the purchase. This is a safe, secure transaction and your credit card information will not be stored.
What do I get?You get immediate delivery of “How to Make Money with FBA”, the PDF ebook. The value of this ebook is $4,727 dollars! The actual value of this ebook is worth 10x that amount, as it reveals the powerful strategies you can use to make money with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Explode your profits with this 384-page value packed ebook that people are calling “revolutionary”.
Is there a money back guarantee?Because this is an Ebook Bundle, valued at $16,057 dollars, and because this is a limited time offer, all sales are final. Due to the high value of this one time offer, there is no money back guarantee. Thank you for understanding.
(picture of money)
(yellow box – money back guarantee)
(pile of money)
One more thingRight now, you have a choice to make. You can keep doing what you’re doing and keep getting what you’re getting. Or, you can make a new choice and get a new result. Spending a measly $67 dollars to purchase a 384-page, ebook that could, quite literally, change your life, is a small investment to make in yourself. That $67 dollars will eventually disappear one way or another. Think about it. The financial freedom you’ve always dreamed about might just be one decision away.
(laptop lifestyle – future pacing)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Please read everything on this page.
Follow the directions below to begin making money online, using no money of your own:
The short version:1. You sign up as an affiliate (link near bottom of page).2. You share your affiliate link.3. When someone makes a purchase, using your affiliate link, you earn $43.50 a sale.4. All sales are final. No returns.
1. To make money, sign up as an affiliate (free signup) and promote my ebook bundle for $97 dollars.The ebook bundle is a collection of 20 ebooks that I wrote that cover a variety of topics, including email marketing, building squeeze pages, building landing pages, making money with real estate, making money with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon), natural cures, how to travel Europe for $5 dollars a day, and much more. Essentially, these ebooks will help you and your buyers and readers save and earn hundreds and thousands of dollars. In this way, these ebooks are in investment that will pay off 10x to 100x to 1,000x the purchase price!
About meHi, I’m Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, copywriter, musician, photographer, traveler, creative entrepreneur, and the author of a small mountain of ebooks. I have a variety of interests that share the common theme of freedom–health freedom, travel/location freedom, financial freedom, creative freedom.
Each time you sell the ebook bundle, you get a $43.50 payout. All sales are final. There are no returns or guarantees.
– add a form field with slider and calculator visitors can use to determine profits
2 sales = $87
3 sales = $130.50
5 sales = $217.50
10 sales = $455
There is no refund on this ebook bundle. All sales are final.
2. You can earn money every day doing this–signing up as an affiliate, then promoting and selling the ebook bundle.
The list of ebooks included in the ebook bundle:
1) 101 Profitable Headlines (to Build your Audience & Grow your Profits)description: Discover 101 profitable headlines you can use to build your audience and grow your profits. Guaranteed to boost your open rates by 78%. Ideal for landing pages, squeeze pages, blog posts, social media advertising, email headers, and more!pages: 68sales price: $37website: KrisKempCreative.com
2) 30 Days To SuperPowersdescription: Get a flat stomach and look 15-to-20 years younger, in ten days or less, and cure over 76 diseases, including cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, and more, using these scientifically proven techniques.pages: 416sales price: $67website: 30DaysToSuperPowers.cometc: comes with links to 21 bonus ebooks
3) Comfort Magnetsdescription: Discover the real secret to manifesting whatever you want!pages: 51sales price: $37website: ComfortMagnets.com
4) Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)description: Fix your life in 5 minutes or less – simple strategies, powerful results.pages: 402sales price: $37website: KrisKemp.com
5) Hooked! How to Convert Indifferent Prospects into Loyal Customers who are Hooked for Life! 7 Principles of Attraction Marketing you can use in Life and Business for Success.description: Discover the 7 principles of attraction marketing that you can use in life and business for success.pages: 59sales price: $37website: KrisKempCreative.com
6) How to Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.pages: 384sales price: $67website: HowToMakeMoneyWithFBA.com
7) How to Travel Europe Cheapdescription: Travel Europe like we did, for $5 dollars a day or less.pages: 409sales price: $37website: HowToTravelEuropeCheap.com
8) Make Big Profits Flipping Florida Landdescription: Discover how to find, buy, and flip properties–houses, mobile homes, land–in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit. If a college dropout can do it, so can you.pages: 146sales price: $97website: MakeBigProfitsFlippingFloridaLand.com / FlipFloridaLand.com
9) Make Money with FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon)description: Discover how to generate big profits using FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Revealed: The behind-the-scenes methods ordinary people have used to make extraordinary profits using Amazon FBA.pages: 384sales price: $67website: MakeMoneyWithFBA.com
10) Mindset Diet Secretsdescription: The secret to weight loss that no one told you about. The done-for-you diet strategy that will get you guaranteed results, effortlessly.pages: 24sales price: $37website: MindsetDietSecrets.cometc: comes with 14 bonus ebooks
11) Sleep Without Waking Up To Peedescription: Revealed: 15 effective remedies that will enable you to sleep without waking up to pee. Finally, get the full night’s sleep your body needs.pages: 74sales price: $37website: SleepWithoutWakingUpToPee.com
12) The 3 Secrets of Happinessdescription: Uncover the simple formula to finding happiness that lasts.pages: 64sales price: $37website: The3SecretsofHappiness.com
13) The One Thing (You Can Do To Change your Life)description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.pages: 30sales price: $37website: KrisKemp.com
14) The Power of Financingdescription: Discover the wealth generator most people don’t know about.pages: 46sales price: $37website: TheLandDepot.net
15) The Powerful Technique (You Can Use to Change your Life)description: Discover the one thing you can do that will change your life.pages: 19sales price: $37website: KrisKemp.com
16) The Shift Dietdescription: Uncover the simple strategies to natural weight loss in 30 days.pages: 60sales price: $37website: TheShiftDiet.cometc: Includes 14 bonus ebooks
17) The Ultimate AutoResponder’s Comparison Guidedescription: The ultimate autoresponder’s comparison guide to build your audience and grow your profits. Determine the best autoresponder for your needs that you can use to generate leads for your business, product, or service, and grow your profits, using this handy guide.pages: 71sales price: $37website: KrisKempCreative.com
18) The Ultimate Email Sequence Template Blueprintdescription: The ultimate email sequence template blueprint you can use to build rapport and grow profits. Includes fill-inthe-blank email sequence templates you can use to build loyalty and grow profits. This value-packed ebook offers effective solutions for all your email marketing needs.pages: 155sales price: $67website: KrisKempCreative.com
19) The Ultimate Landing Page Template Blueprintdescription: The ultimate landing page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes landing page templates and landing page analysis and breakdown.pages: 106sales price: $37website: KrisKempCreative.com
20) The Ultimate Squeeze Page Template Blueprintdescription: The ultimate squeeze page template blueprint you can use to start earning thousands of dollars a month. Includes squeeze page templates, breakdown analysis, links to helpful articles.pages: 105sales price: $37website: KrisKempCreative.com
Order before the Countdown Timer runs out and get $3,697 dollars worth of Bonus Ebooks!
Here’s just a few of the titles …
(pictures of ebooks)
Get Instant Access to All of these Ebooks, a total value of $12,497 dollars, when you click the Buy Now with PayPal button below- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Altogether, these ebooks total a whopping 3,068 pages.
Bought individually, these ebooks would cost $920 dollars. When you buy the Ebook Bundle (20 ebooks), you are saving $823 dollars! Plus, the Ebook Bundle comes with over 50 bonus ebooks, valued at an additional $1,250 dollars! That’s a total value of $2,170 dollars! So, in reality, when you buy the Ebook Bundle (20 ebooks), you are saving $2,073 dollars!
When you purchase the Ebook Bundle, you get:
– all 20 ebooks for only $97 dollars!- That’s a whopping 89% discount!- You’re saving $823 dollars!
+ Get an Additional 346 Ebooks, an additional value of $4,152 dollars, if you order before the countdown timer ends
These 346 Ebooks will provide you with a lot of practical strategies you can use to make your life better–financially, mentally, physically, and emotionally
That’s a total value of $6,322 dollars!
That is a 98% discount! LOL (laughing crying emojis)
$6,322 dollars worth of digital products, ebooks, for a small, one-time payment of $97 dollars!
Click the “Click Here to Buy Now” button below to order now! Increase your knowledge and increase your wealth and your health with these ebooks!
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
If you’re interested in buying the Ebook Bundle for yourself, follow the instructions below.
Click the “Click Here to Buy Now” button below to order now! Increase your knowledge and increase your wealth and your health with these ebooks!
To get immediate access to this valuable ebook collection, click the “Check out with PayPal” button below.
Please note: This is a safe, secure payment using SendOwl and PayPal. Both are trusted payment processors and fulfillment payment integration services.
What happens after you pay?You get immediate access to the 20 ebooks! The ebooks are PDF files. Bought individually, these ebooks would cost $920 dollars. That’s a savings of $823 dollars! Plus, the Ebook Bundle comes with over 50 bonus ebooks, valued at an additional $1,250 dollars! That’s a total value of $2,170 dollars! So, in reality, when someone buys the Ebook Bundle (20 ebooks), they are saving $2,073 dollars!
Is there a money-back guarantee?The Ebook Bundle does not include a money-back guarantee. All sales are final. This is due to the fact that the ebooks, along with the bonus ebooks, carry a $2,170 dollar value. When you purchase them for $97 dollars, you are getting a 95% discount and a savings of $2,073 dollars. The information in these ebooks, if put to good use, can earn you thousands of dollars, and can save you thousands of dollars, too. This collection of ebooks is worth 100x the investment.
Do I have to buy your Ebook Bundle in order to join the affiliate program?No. You do not have to buy my Ebook Bundle to join my affiliate program. You can join my affiliate program for free by reading the section, below “Join my Affiliate Program” and following the instructions. It’s an easy ten minute sign up and you can earn money online simply by sharing your affiliate links. When someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, you earn $43.50
How can I contact you?Email me at: bicycledays@yahoo.comIn the subject link, write: Question about Ebook BundleOnce I receive your email, I will reply promptly.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Join my Affiliate Program – Earn $43.50 per sale
This Ebook Bundle (20 ebooks) sells for $97 dollars. When you sign up as an affiliate, you earn $43.50 per sale. All sales are final. No returns. You simply promote your affiliate link to start earning money.
Altogether, these ebooks total a whopping 3,068 pages.
Bought individually, these ebooks would cost $920 dollars. That’s a savings of $823 dollars! Plus, the Ebook Bundle comes with over 50 bonus ebooks, valued at an additional $1,250 dollars! That’s a total value of $2,170 dollars! So, in reality, when someone buys the Ebook Bundle (20 ebooks), they are saving $2,073 dollars!
Click Here to Sign up as an Affiliate and Earn $43.50 per sale
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
3. To get started, follow the steps below:
coming soon
Video instructions
Helpful affiliate links
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
What happens next?
1. After you sign in, you’ll receive an email with the subject line: Here’s how you can make money online – inside. Check your “spam” folder and “trash” folder, just in case it ends up there.2. Open the email and “confirm” that you want to subscribe by clicking the “confirm” link inside the email.3. Once “confirmed”, you will receive a series of emails that will show you, step by step, how to make money online.
F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Why do I have to sign in with name and email?This filters out the people who are unwilling to follow directions.
2. Will I really learn how to make money online?Yes. I will show you how to do this using no money of your own, and with just a few hours of work a week. The more hours you put in, the more money you are likely to earn.
3. Can you tell me more?Sure. I will invite you to join my affiliate offer where you can earn $43.50 dollars per sale on an ebook bundle that is non-refundable. This is a ten minute signup and does not require your credit card or any money.
4. What am I signing up for?To join my affiliate program.
5. Can I unsubscribe?Yes. At any time. However, if you unsubscribe, you will be missing out on a lot of valuable information on how to make money online, as well as bonus content.
6. Does this really work?Yes. This really works. Promote the Ebook Bundle and once you get good at it, you’re likely to make money online.
7. Do I need special skills to do this?No special skills are required.
7. What is your contact information?Email me: bicycledays@yahoo.com